Fast X Director Louis Leterrier Did An Almost Total Rewrite Of The Script

We might not know a ton about the “Fast X” director switcheroo, but we do know that it was a pretty fast-paced one, for lack of a better term.

After Justin Lin announced he would leave the film, “Transporter” helmer Louis Leterrier was swiftly announced to take his place.

Having done several action films in the past, this didn’t come as a surprise, especially since he had circled previous franchise installments in the past.However, what might be surprising is just how quickly Leterrier had to transition into being a part of the Fast Family.

He recently spoke to Esquire Middle East about this daunting new ride, and he revealed that in the span of just four days, he went from getting called by Universal Studios to flying to the film’s set.

While traveling, he said that he had read the original “Fast X” script four times, and when he arrived,

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