‘Zodiac’: David Fincher’s Historical Accuracy Is More Specific Than You Can Imagine — Watch

The true crime story is one of the most enduring genres in film, but few entries are as specific in their attention to detail as David Fincher’s “Zodiac.” The movie just turned 11 years old last month, and Film Radar video essayist Daniel Netzel has marked the occasion with a fascinating new video investigation into “Zodiac’s” historical accuracy.So what makes Fincher’s masterpiece the most accurate true crime film? As the video explains, Fincher went to great lengths to ensure the film was historically accurate, from recreating a period-accurate San Francisco to building sets that matched their real-word counterparts and even dressing the murder victims in the clothes they were wearing when they died.

But the film is even more accurate than you might notice.In the video below, Netzel layers Fincher’s footage over real interviews from eyewitnesses who were involved with the Zodiac killer in the 1960s.

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