’First Blood’s Explosions and Gunfire Aren’t What Make It an Action Classic

When you think of action movies, you think of pure bombast.

These are loud movies littered with gunfire, explosions, one-liners and a fiery tone, always in it for a fun time.

It isn’t very common that releases in this genre take their time to make you feel anything other than excitement, have a strong story, or anything greater than one-inch character depth.

But movies like Terminator 2: Judgment Day, the Daniel Craig James Bond run, and last year’s Top Gun: Maverick are a few examples of action films that aim to get the audience attached to the characters so that when something happens to them, you actually care.

While there are movies in this genre that make you fond of the protagonists, there are even fewer that deal with such emotional and difficult topics as well as First Blood.

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