The Rebel Moon Trailer Lets Zack Snyder Go Full Star Wars On Netflix

Director Zack Snyder’s tumultuous and frequently headline-grabbing tenure with DC Films might be officially in the rearview mirror, but that doesn’t mean he’s slowing down one bit.

The ever-ambitious blockbuster filmmaker has since pivoted from the super-powered pantheon of heroes to an epic space opera of his own, loosely retrofitted from an original pitch he once had to open up an entirely new corner of the “Star Wars” universe.

After months and months of teasing, our first look at footage from “Rebel Moon” is finally upon us …

and it looks every inch as visually spectacular as Snyder’s work always has before.Even the most strident Zack Snyder skeptics have maintained that the man sure knows how to cut together one heck of a trailer, and that’s no exception here.

We’ve written before here at /Film about that deeply evocative “Man of Steel” trailer that still plays like gangbusters to this day,…

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