‘Holly’ Review: A New Twist on ‘Carrie’ Forgets Its Bloodiest Pleasures

It’s been said that Stephen King’s first novel “Carrie” filled him with such self-doubt that its notes, drafts, and even eventual manuscript were nearly thrown out by the author, condemned into eternal obscurity.

Were it not for King’s own wife, the tale of a bullied telekinetic teen with an abusive puritanical mother would have ended up permanently in the trash, unable to stand alone as a wonderful work or inspire other stories of its ilk.Consider Fien Troch’s “Holly.” The new film suggests that our eponymous young, bullied high-schooler might end up in the midst of a similar cathartic orgy of violence as Carrie, disposed of with little regard for her value.

But unlike “Carrie” (and Carrie) “Holly” doesn’t gift her audience with the catharsis of all those horrible high school alpha bullies ending up in a pile of bone and charred sinew.Holly (Cathalina Geeraerts) is an outcast too,…

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