Producer Eryl Cochran Announces Upcoming iPhone-Shot Documentary ‘Dance As You Are’ (Exclusive)

Dancers and non-dancers alike can rejoice at the announcement of upcoming dance documentary “Dance As You Are,” a new project from “Embattled” producer Eryl Cochran.

The film was shot almost exclusively on iPhones over 60 days and is the first release from Cochran’s new production label Keykix.“Dance As You Are” centers on a group of 75 strangers, ages 23-74, who must come together to form six dance teams over the span of eight weeks.

The participants in the documentary are not professional dancers, and some have never even danced before.

As a result, the participants find themselves connecting over the shared experience of learning dance.According to the press release, the participants of the documentary come from a diverse range of backgrounds.

Audiences will see them “work to overcome a handful of personal struggles” over the course of their time together.

One dancer tries to discover themselves outside the label of “learning disability,…

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