Critics Pick the Most Emmy-Worthy Costumes on TV (Whether They Were Nominated or Not)

Every week, IndieWire asks a select handful of TV critics two questions and publishes the results on Tuesday.This week’s question: Which series should win for best costume design at the Emmys? This includes nominated series or anything you think had been snubbed.

Period and/or contemporary apply.Soraya Nadia McDonald (@SorayaMcDonald), The UndefeatedI really enjoy the costuming of “Marvelous Mrs.

Maisel,” which I frankly think is in a league of it’s own.

However, I’d also include “Glow” in this conversation, both for the wrestling costumes as well as the civilian clothes everyone wears in their free time.

“Glow” captures the sort of grungy, abject tackiness of the ‘80s in a way that’s really well-calibrated.

You can look at the way Betty Gilpin and Alison Brie are costumed, and it tells you so much about their relationship to each other and where each woman’s character is in her career,

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