‘Mudbound’s’ Morrison Uses Still Photography Skills

Dp Rachel Morrison’s rich, naturalistic imagery lends “Mudbound” a palpable sense of time and place: post-war Mississippi.

Her peers in the Academy and at the American Society of Cinematographers recognized her work with nominations.

For Morrison, in many ways it was the closing of a circle: The iconic 1930s and ’40s imagery of Dorothea Lange, Gordon Parks and Arthur Rothstein and other Farm Security Administration photographers first piqued her interest in childhood, and those same images served as an important reference and inspiration on “Mudbound.”“It’s incredibly fitting,” she says.

“I have the Fsa photographers to thank for getting me into photography, and now I have them to thank for helping me land in this historic position.

What was achieved through documentary photography is a real testament to the power of imagery.

Those photographs changed the landscape of the government moving forward.

They taught me that photography can distill the human spirit, capture human emotion

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