Anonymous Oscar Ballot: Costume Designer Votes ‘Parasite’ Over ‘1917’ and ‘Joker’

With Oscar ballots filed, we’re forging ahead with our third annual series of interviews with Academy voters from different branches for their candid thoughts on what got picked, overlooked, and overvalued this year.Best PictureNine is too many.

This was a lackluster year.

I struggled to come up with five.

We know the Academy is all about the actors, the largest group of people who dominate and decide everything!“Parasite.” It’s an invigorating movie to watch.

Bong Joon Ho took me places I didn’t think I was going to go.

The performances are great.

The story it told at this moment in time of the haves and have-nots was fascinating.

The humor, we need humor! In all this grimness.

Once Upon a Time in Hollywood” has humor within the story.

Even “The Irishman” has moments of humor; it helps to leaven the grimness.

I liked “Parasite” the best.

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