Are horror’s audience-baiting puzzles detracting from the plot?

Both Brightburn and Midsommar leave clues for fans to follow, but there’s a danger it’s leading them down a rabbit holeLooking to establish an evil horror cult? The first thing you will need is a good graphics department.

It used to be that a trusty pentangle or inverted crucifix would do the trick, but in our branding-conscious age, horror movies must try harder.

It seems no modern-day chiller is complete without its bespoke symbol, usually signifying an ancient secret society or some other form of unspeakable, but easily drawable, evil.

Something that would look good on a T-shirt.Recent history is garlanded with examples: The Blair Witch Project’s “stick man”; the similar design in Ben Wheatley’s Kill List.

Sinister gave us the “Bughuul” symbol; Devil’s Due the Antichrist gateway; and 13 Ghosts a selection of “Black Zodiac” signs.

This week, we’ve got Brightburn.


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