Bottle Rocket’s Reception Made Wes Anderson Doubt He Could Get Rushmore Made

Wes Anderson is one of the most distinguished working directors today, but he thought his career might be over after his very first film.

The young director was incredibly excited for the world to see “Bottle Rocket” when his Sundance short got picked up by a major Hollywood producer.

Sadly, he faced a seriously crushing reality check when the film was poorly received.

It was a miracle that he got his second film made, especially since it was an even more expensive venture.

Luckily, “Bottle Rocket” gained Anderson a few fans in the movie business that stepped in to fund his sophomore film — the ultimate quirky coming-of-age comedy, “Rushmore.””Bottle Rocket” follows a group of three novice criminals on a haphazard spree.

It was also the acting and co-writing debut of Owen Wilson, Anderson’s college friend.

Polly Platt, who produced hugely popular ’80s rom-coms like “Say Anything” and “Terms of Endearment,

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