Christoph Waltz, Javier Bardem Talk Oscar Contender ‘The Good Boss,’ Method Acting, Playing Villains

In some ways, Javier Bardem and Christoph Waltz have trod similar career paths.

In the space of two years, both stole the show and won Oscars playing cold-blooded killers, Bardem in the Coen brothers’ “No Country for Old Men,” Waltz in “Inglourious Basterds.”Both went on to become memorable Bond villains.

And they also have a pronounced sense of humor.

The latter is on display in their conversation about Bardem’s arguably highest-profile movie in his native Spanish in a decade: Fernando León de Aranoa’s “The Good Boss” (“El buen patrón”), Spain’s shortlisted candidate for Best International Feature Film at the upcoming Academy Awards.In “The Good Boss,” produced by Reposado and The Mediapro Studio, Bardem stars as the owner of Básculas Blanco, a small-town industrial scale manufacturer contending for a big regional business excellence award.At first, Blanco may come across as a kindly patriarch.

As the award gets closer,

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