Female Cannibals in Film: Bones and All, Raw, and Der Fan

Cannibalism remains one of the last taboos, a subject that will always stimulate horror and revulsion in audiences.

It has often acted as a means through which filmmakers can explore issues of political, social and economic disparities.

Often used for shock value in the video nasties of the 1970s and 1980s, it has also been a means by which the complex inner workings of the human psyche can be explored.

This is particularly true for films that center on women protagonists.The recent release of Bones and All (2022) has reignited interest in the female cannibal, but it is by no means the only example.

Alongside Bones and All, there are other notable examples of women cannibals that explore how flesh eating is used as an outlet for loneliness, desire and sexuality, namely Der Fan (1982), and Raw (2016).

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