It’s Hard Being Cut Off from Society? Welcome to My World

It seems like a million years ago when I watched the Netflix documentary “Crip Camp,” which explores the rise of the Disabled Rights movement in the 1970s.

A few weeks later, the world was in a full-blown pandemic that forced all of us to abandon everything we knew about interacting with the world.

Public transportation, grocery shopping, going to the office, walking on the beach: It was suddenly risky, difficult, or impossible — for everyone.As a disabled writer, there’s an irony in witnessing this reversal of fortune.

It’s been odd to read countless tweets from able-bodied friends who discuss their struggles with self-isolation, job loss, and telecommuting.

For the record: Many of these complaints, frustrations, and anxieties are the same ones that people with disabilities have known — and fought against — for decades, only to be told that what we wanted were entitlements or privileges.More from IndieWireThe Decision

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