I’ve never seen … Top Gun

Jock aversion stopped one writer from catching the Tom Cruise film that launched a thousand action sequences.

But how is a film so influential so unimaginative?See the other classic missed films in this seriesThe best arts and entertainment during self-isolationIn 1986, I was 15 and gorging myself on movies of every stripe, so why did I never see Top Gun? My subsequent admiration for Crimson Tide and Enemy of the State proves I’m not immune to the magnetism of its director, Tony Scott.

And it can’t be that I was averse to the glossy, pumped-up hedonism that was the stock-in-trade of the super-producers Don Simpson and Jerry Bruckheimer, since I’d coughed up my hard-earned paper-round money to see Beverly Hills Cop twice the previous year.

Most likely, the deal-breaker was Tom Cruise.

He was too much like the jocks with their laminated skin and torch-beam teeth who

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