Leopoldo Aguilar to Direct Animated Feature ‘Bem & I’ (Exclusive)

The director of the Quirino Awards-nominated “Cranston Academy: Monster Zone,” Mexico’s Leopoldo Aguilar, will direct “Bem & I.”It will be produced by Mexico’s Espíritu Santo Cine and Pēek Paax animation studio, both of whom backed this year’s Quirino best feature winner, “A Costume for Nicholas.”Mexico’s Espíritu Santo is a recently-founded company devoted to producing family-targeting cinema content.

The company is run by Dariela Pérez.

Aguilar and Heriberto Manzanares are also founding partners.“Bem & I” also draws down financing from Mexico’s biggest public-sector fund for movies, Fidecine, and benefits from the country’s Eficine tax break system.Aguilar’s fourth animated feature, “Bem & I” depicts the friendship between a lemur, illegally brought from the Madagascar forests to Mexico’s Sonora market, and Irene, a girl “allergic to everything,” who has been forced to live for years trapped between four walls.“We need to make movies

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