Mark Wahlberg, Peter Berg, and Melissa McCarthy Get Filthy at Stx CinemaCon Presentation

The Stx Entertainment presentation Tuesday night was a pleasantly relaxed affair, with chairman Adam Fogelson serving as an Mc more warm and capable than many of his major-studio cohorts.

And when it came to Mark Wahlberg and Peter Berg presenting “Mile 22,” their latest guns-and-muscles drama, Fogelson knew better than to get in the way.“We’ve had a few glasses of wine,” Berg announced as he came on stage with the film’s stars, who included Wahlberg, Ronda Rousey, Lauren Cohan, and Iko Uwais.“His nipples are razor-hard and sharp,” said Wahlberg.

“Maybe that’s why.”“My nipples are hard tonight,” Berg replied.

“I don’t know why.”Fogelson looked at Berg, who seemed slightly disheveled in a gray polo shirt and jeans.

“Didn’t you have a suit?”“I had one,” Berg replied.

“I don’t know where it is.”With that, Wahlberg returned to his subject.

“Hence the hard nipples.

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