Movies Like Interstellar to Watch for More Cerebral Sci-Fi

When Christopher Nolan released Interstellar in 2014, it became one of his greatest and most impressive films ever.

His ability to intrigue and mess with the viewer’s thoughts became a hard match to find.

The psychological space drama adventure is set in a future where Earth becomes uninhabitable.

A NASA physicist (Michael Caine) devises a way to send humans through a wormhole in search of a new planet they can make their home.

The team is led by a farmer and ex-nasa pilot, Joseph Cooper (Matthew McConaughey) who leaves his family behind for his expedition, only so that his children can grow up in a better world.

His mission as a scientist on one hand and his journey as a father on the other, Cooper explores a wide spectrum of experiences, making this movie more sentimental and touching.

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