‘Mrs. Doubtfire’ Director Confirms Existence of R-Rated Cut

On Friday, director Chris Columbus revealed that an R-rated version of the beloved 1993 comedy “Mrs.

Doubtfire” exists – though there is not a Nc-17 cut of the film.The confirmation first came from Entertainment Weekly following a viral tweet that noted Robin Williams, who played the eponymous Euphegenia Doubtfire, improvised so much that there were PG, PG-13, R and Nc-17 cuts of the film.

The official film is rated PG-13.While filming ‘Mrs.

Doubtfire’ (1993), Robin Williams improvised so much that there were PG, PG-13, R, and Nc-17 cuts of the film pic.twitter.com/vjYUCmyrj2— Film Facts

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