Naomie Harris: ‘After Moonlight, I just wanted to open a nail salon’

Despite hating guns, Harris stars as a tough cop up for a fight in her new action thriller.

She talks about how she almost quit acting after Moonlight, the pain of her family’s past and Bond getting wokeLater this month, Naomie Harris appears in her first starring role in a film.

She is 43.

What has taken her so long? Not laziness.

Harris has always been a grafter, acting on TV from the age of nine, saving every penny to pay for university.

The work ethic, she says, comes from her mother, who discovered she was pregnant when doing her A-levels and raised her daughter solo, funded by a job at the post office.

She later went to university, worked as a scriptwriter on EastEnders and is now a reiki healer.So, Harris is no slouch.

But for years she told her agents: supporting roles only.

No leads.


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