‘Raising Dion’ Review: Michael B. Jordan’s Cutesy Netflix Series Is a Bit More Than Popcorn Entertainment

Expecting inference from a kid bingeing on Netflix may be too much to ask, and on just about every level, “Raising Dion” refuses to let any mystery be.

Take the opening sequence, which isn’t so much the first scene of the series as a preview of scenes to come later on, like one of those mini-teasers that runs right before the full trailer on YouTube or Twitter.

It’s not a flash-forward — there’s no effort to connect it to the characters’ reality — it’s just a promise that if you’re bored or confused for even a second, don’t worry: There’s an explanation or explosion just around the corner.Blunt entertainment delivery is the wave of the future, as an expanding TV landscape sees streamers fighting for your attention every waking second, but “Raising Dion’s” overt manipulation extends beyond the storytelling.

The new Netflix drama

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