‘Selfie Dad’: Film Review

Writer-director Brad J.

Silverman’s “Selfie Dad” is a pleasantly predictable faith-based dramedy that has been scheduled and marketed for family viewing over Father’s Day weekend on VOD platforms.

As it turns out, however, the timing of its release might actually serve to expand the film’s appeal slightly beyond the usual target audience for similar fare.

Indeed, in the context of recent real-life events and Black Lives Matter protests, certain elements of Silverman’s narrative give his film, if only inadvertently, a slightly sharper edge than even he likely intended.Christian standup comic Michael Jr.

plays, credibly and creditably, Ben Marcus, an editor at an Los Angeles production house who, several years earlier, walked away from a promising career as a comedian.

The movie begins with a snippet from one of his decades-earlier routines, in which Ben, a Black man, recalls how easily he rattled an older white

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