‘Spider-Man’ Director Explains Those Post-Credits Scenes and What They Mean for the McU

[Editor’s note: The following post contains spoilers for “Spider-Man-Far-From-Home-2019-movie-posters/”>Spider-Man: Far From Home.”]The Marvel Cinematic Universe has never been shy about introducing game-changing elements in post-credits scenes — remember our first look at Thanos, the ultimate big baddie? That was just a quick hit in a post-credits stinger following “The Avengers” — but “Spider-Man: Far From Home” runs positively wild with the possibility that an entire film, an entire franchise can be impacted by something thrown into the middle of a credit crawl.While Jon Watts’ “Spider-Man: Far From Home” ends on an upbeat note, well-earned after asking young Peter Parker (Tom Holland) to work his way through his grief over “the snap” and the loss of mentor Tony Stark while also navigating a nutty high school trip to Europe, a pair of post-credits scenes hint at a darker future for the webhead.

They also lay the groundwork for both the next chapter in the Spider-Man franchise and hint at

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