‘Sr.’ Review: Robert Downey Jr.-Produced Documentary Pays Tribute to His Underground Filmmaker Father

Hollywood, an industry replete with dynasties, might never produce a more delightful, oddball familial pairing than Robert Downey Sr.

and Jr.

The two superficially represent something of an ironic ideological divide: the father, a legendary underground filmmaker whose countercultural works like “Putney Swope” and “Greaser’s Palace” functioned as middle fingers to the Hollywood establishment; and the son, the former face of the Marvel Cinematic Universe and one of the highest-paid actors of all time.

A perma-cult figure vs.

one of the most recognized visages in the world.

An infamously irreverent auteur vs.

the symbol of cultural hegemony.

Despite their differences in artistic practices, however, the obvious remains true—they are still father and son, and have remained refreshingly close over the years.Director Chris Smith (“American Movie”) acutely understands that the image of Sr.

and Jr.

palling around together has an amusing spark to it.

His film, “Sr.,” a portrait of Robert Downey Sr.

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