Tag: Anna Torv

  • This Is Why Meghan Markle Disappeared From ‘Fringe’

    This Is Why Meghan Markle Disappeared From ‘Fringe’

    On Suits, Meghan Markle’s paralegal-turned-attorney is her best-known role, but there was a chance that wouldn’t have been the case. A few years before the legal series aired, Markle seemed to have a steady role on Fringe. That is, until the Duchess of Sussex vanished as quickly as her character was introduced. The Season 2…

  • ‘Fringe’s Best Relationship Isn’t Olivia and Peter

    ‘Fringe’s Best Relationship Isn’t Olivia and Peter

    “There’s more than one of everything.” This line has far-reaching implications to the five seasons of Fringe. It describes the show’s mythology about a war between the Prime Universe and an alternate one. It contrasts the two sides over the science-based nightmares the Fringe team investigates, where there are good and bad motives. It includes…