Tag: Bendu

  • Yes, Star Wars Has a Holy Trinity

    Yes, Star Wars Has a Holy Trinity

    The Star Wars universe is crafted from various influences, such as the films of Akira Kurosawa — particularly Seven Samurai and The Hidden Fortress — and Flash Gordon (Star Wars architect George Lucas actually wanted to make a Flash Gordon movie.) Philosophy and religion helped shape the direction of the Force, as well as the…

  • Star Wars Rebels May Answer Your Questions About Ahsoka Episode 4’s Big Cliffhanger

    Star Wars Rebels May Answer Your Questions About Ahsoka Episode 4’s Big Cliffhanger

    This article contains spoilers for “Ahsoka” episode 4, “Fallen Jedi.”There are certain elements of “Star Wars” animation that would simply never work in live-action. For example, a character like Bendu, the mystical being who occupies the space between the light and dark sides of the Force, looks fantastic on “Star Wars Rebels,” but would probably…