Tag: Bower

  • Stranger Things’ Vecna Actor Used Murderous Methods To Get Into Character

    Stranger Things’ Vecna Actor Used Murderous Methods To Get Into Character

    By all accounts Jamie Campbell Bower is a sweetheart of a guy. You can’t scroll any social media feed without seeing some sweet interaction he’s had with “Stranger Things” fans at conventions or just run-ins on the street. That’s where you really know when a celebrity is being nice, when they’re not making a hundred bucks when…

  • Jamie Campbell Bower Unleashes Ancient Evil in New ‘Witchboard’ Trailer

    Jamie Campbell Bower Unleashes Ancient Evil in New ‘Witchboard’ Trailer

    Stranger Things breakout star Jamie Campbell Bower conducts a sinister séance in the new trailer for the upcoming horror film Witchboard. The film, a remake of the ’80s VHS favorite, will hit screens in 2024. In the new trailer for the film, Bower’s character, mysterious occultist Alexander Babtiste, conducts a summoning ceremony over an antique…