Tag: Dead City

  • ‘The Walking Dead: Dead City’ Season 1 Ending Explained

    ‘The Walking Dead: Dead City’ Season 1 Ending Explained

    The Walking Dead: Dead City Season 1 came to its conclusion in its finale, “Doma Smo,” and with a Season 2 renewal by AMC, the episode left us with a number of loose threads ready to be continued whenever the second series hits our screens. That’s right, there’s plenty more The Walking Dead content still…

  • The Walking Dead Spin-Off Trailers: Rick, Michonne & Daryl Dixon Return In New Shows

    The Walking Dead Spin-Off Trailers: Rick, Michonne & Daryl Dixon Return In New Shows

    AMC’s flagship series “The Walking Dead” may have said its final farewell last fall, but the zombie drama lives on with a multitude of spin-offs. “Fear the Walking Dead” is coming to an end after 8 seasons, so many were convinced that the well had run dry for all things “The Walking Dead.” But as…

  • This Is ‘The Walking Dead’s Most Underrated Villain

    This Is ‘The Walking Dead’s Most Underrated Villain

    Our belief in The Walking Dead has been reinstated by the enjoyably grim The Walking Dead: Dead City spin-off. One of the best things about Maggie (Lauren Cohan) and Negan’s (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) New York City rescue mission is the latest addition to the expanded universe: Zeljko Ivanek’s villain The Croat, a man possessed of…

  • Jeffrey Dean Morgan & Lauren Cohan Were Married in This Superhero Film

    Jeffrey Dean Morgan & Lauren Cohan Were Married in This Superhero Film

    During the final years of The Walking Dead’s lifespan when news about yet another spin-off dropped with the regularity of a metronome, arguably the most intriguing was a show focused on diehard enemies turned reluctant companions, Maggie (Lauren Cohan) and Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan), entitled The Walking Dead: Dead City (formally known as Isle of…

  • ‘Walking Dead: Dead City’s Stars on People Shipping Maggie & Negan

    ‘Walking Dead: Dead City’s Stars on People Shipping Maggie & Negan

    When AMC premiered The Walking Dead, the series took the world over like, well, a Walker outbreak. Beloved for its emotional throughline and constant edge-of-your-seat suspense, the hit show inspired numerous spinoffs and stretched for season after season. A particular draw each year was the core group of characters, and when the flagship finally said…