Tag: Misty

  • The Wilderness Chose For The Yellowjackets And The Results Are Frighteningly Feral

    The Wilderness Chose For The Yellowjackets And The Results Are Frighteningly Feral

    This article contains spoilers for “Yellowjackets” season 2 episode 8.After the cliffhanger bloodbath that was last week’s episode, “It Chooses” picks up with Mari and Misty holding up Lottie over a bowl so she can pee. Unfortunately, Lottie’s pissing blood, likely because Shauna kicked her square in the kidneys a few times. The girls have…

  • Is Lottie In Control Of Everything Going On In Yellowjackets?

    Is Lottie In Control Of Everything Going On In Yellowjackets?

    This article contains spoilers for “Yellowjackets” season 2, episode 8.We’re one episode away from the second season finale of “Yellowjackets,” and there are a lot of questions left to be answered. Will Walter’s email to the cops finally lead to Shauna and the gang’s ultimate undoing? What’s the deal with the seeming network of tunnels…

  • Yellowjackets: Only Musical Theater Nerds Will Get The Reference In Walter’s Music

    Yellowjackets: Only Musical Theater Nerds Will Get The Reference In Walter’s Music

    This article contains spoilers for “Yellowjackets” season 2 episode 8.Misty and Walter are a dynamic detective duo with spookily similar personalities. In the fourth episode “Old Wounds,” the montage (humorously set to Sparks’ “Angst in My Pants”) where they comb their Bed & Breakfast rooms for any suspicious activity and undergo matching nighttime routines visualizes…

  • Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 8 Shows Misty Has Always Been Looking Out For Natalie

    Yellowjackets Season 2 Episode 8 Shows Misty Has Always Been Looking Out For Natalie

    This article contains spoilers for “Yellowjackets.”You can learn a lot about how well a show is being received by its audience from Tumblr. Ratings are a reliable indicator of actual viewership (if streamers actually made them public), and reviews are a go-to source for quality. But if you want to know how intensely a show…