Tag: Nick Frost

  • Mondo’s The World’s End Vinyl Score Soundtrack Completes The Cornetto Trilogy Swirl Set

    Mondo’s The World’s End Vinyl Score Soundtrack Completes The Cornetto Trilogy Swirl Set

    “We want to be free! We want to be able to do what we want to do! We want to get loaded, and we want to have a good time. So that’s what we’re gonna do. We’re gonna have a good time.”What better way to have a good time than sitting down and spinning some…

  • 10 Best Simon Pegg Movies, Ranked

    10 Best Simon Pegg Movies, Ranked

    One of the funniest and surprisingly nuanced character actors of the 21st century, Simon Pegg has been a comedic force of nature. While he’s best known for his work alongside his lifelong friends Edgar Wright and Nick Frost, Pegg has also been a part of some of the most significant movie franchises in recent memory,…

  • ‘Bridesmaids’ Isn’t the Best R-Rated Comedy, This Is

    ‘Bridesmaids’ Isn’t the Best R-Rated Comedy, This Is

    Slapping an R-rating on a film can denote a few things to the audience. For a comedy, that usually means exhaustive swearing, nudity, and maybe a gross-out slapstick violence sequence. Generally speaking, using that kind of content can almost be a crutch, to hold up an otherwise tepid movie with not much else to offer…