Tag: Problemista

  • A24, Anuvu in exclusive airlines distribution pact

    A24, Anuvu in exclusive airlines distribution pact

    Partnership includes Past Lives and Talk To Me, The Iron Claw.A24 and Anuvu have agreed an exclusive airlines distribution deal including seven upcoming features, among them Sundance hits Past Lives and Talk To Me.The deal follows the companies’ collaboration on multiple Oscar winners Everything Everywhere All At Once, The Whale, and Moonlight.The seven titles are:…

  • SXSW 2023: 22 Films and Shows to Watch This Year

    SXSW 2023: 22 Films and Shows to Watch This Year

    No matter how many they’ve been through, there’s no feeling for a television or film creator like a premiere. Putting months if not years of hard work in front of an audience is the ultimate reward — and litmus test — for how that work will be received and remembered, as well as the unquantifiable…