Tag: Zapp

  • Futurama Season 11 Just Inverted The Plot Of A Classic Episode

    Futurama Season 11 Just Inverted The Plot Of A Classic Episode

    This new “Futurama” season has been anything but shy about satirizing hot topics in 2020s culture. The latest one? “Cancelation,” or powerful people being ostracized/held accountable for misuses of authority. The episode’s title is the blunt: “Zapp Gets Canceled.”Zapp Brannigan (Billy West) is a starship captain in the Democratic Order of Planets (Doop). Befitting the…

  • Futurama Season 11 Smuggles Some Its Best Satire Yet Inside A Stilted Critique Of Cancel Culture

    Futurama Season 11 Smuggles Some Its Best Satire Yet Inside A Stilted Critique Of Cancel Culture

    Of all the rude, crass, self-absorbed, ridiculous, inappropriate criminals on “Futurama” — that is to say, most of the characters on the show — none is more worthy of censure than Captain Zapp Brannigan (Billy West). Zapp works for Doop, an organization similar to the Federation from “Star Trek,” but far more trigger-happy and willing to…

  • Futurama Season 11 Offers A Rarity: A Hermes-Centric Episode

    Futurama Season 11 Offers A Rarity: A Hermes-Centric Episode

    Although those early seasons of “Futurama” were probably its strongest overall, one of the show’s flaws was the way that minor characters didn’t receive enough focus. The first two seasons were very much the Fry, Bender, and Leela show; Professor Farnsworth got plenty of attention too, but the other members of the crew were frequently…

  • Two Fan-Favorite Futurama Characters Came Close To Getting Their Own Spin-Off

    Two Fan-Favorite Futurama Characters Came Close To Getting Their Own Spin-Off

    “Futurama” is a show that has had several different lives throughout its existence, which now extends for close to 25 years. One thing the beloved animated series has never had though? A spin-off. But it wasn’t for a lack of discussing such a thing, and it turns out a spin-off series came close to happening…