The 14 Most Absurd Bond Gadgets

James Bond has used every imaginable gadget to get him out of all manner of jams, but he would be nothing without his technologically-inclined aide.

The secret agent’s contraptions are given to him by a man known as Q, which is short for quartermaster.

Q is the department head of the experimental research and development division of MI6.

Despite never appearing in any of author Ian Fleming’s original texts, Q and his laboratory of engineers have been a constant presence throughout the Bond franchise and have supplied the super spy with gizmos aplenty in all but a few of the films.

The armorer’s first appearance was in 1962’s “Dr.

No” where he played a character by the name of Major Boothroyd who equipped Sean Connery’s James Bond with the secret agent’s signature Walther Ppk handgun for the first time.Across Eon Productions’ 25 Bond films, Q

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