The New Mutants review – troubled kids add hit of horror to X-Men saga

The superhero franchise is refreshed with a thoughtful study of childhood trauma before noisy CGI battles come to the foreMeet the new mutants, same as the old mutants … or sort of.

This is an X-Men spin-off, based on the characters by Marvel Comics artists Chris Claremont and Bob McLeod, and they are younger than the hirsute and clawed figures of Magneto, Wolverine and the rest.

The film interestingly presents an origin story in less conventional terms than usual.

It brings a kind of Ya horror dimension to the mutant mythology – or perhaps it just amplifies the Ya horror that was always implied but less apparent in stories about infant superheroism and callow destiny.

Director and co-writer Josh Boone is best known for The Fault in Our Stars and is perhaps interested in the idea that superpowers are the result of some awful cosmological defect.Related: She Dies Tomorrow review

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