The Rings Of Power Strengthens The History Between Gandalf And Halflings

Gandalf the Grey has been around for a long time.

Long before he met Frodo Baggins, or even Bilbo, J.R.R.

Tolkien’s works say he was created as a Maiar, a celestial-like being that forged the earth before the First Age.

Yet the author’s texts only give us the specifics of Gandalf’s history during the Third Age.

So what was he doing before that? Why, hanging out with more hobbits and halflings, of course.The reveal that The Stranger (Daniel Weyman) who crashed into the countryside on a star is an Istar, or wizard, came partway through the finale this week, when he rejected the title of Sauron that the three hooded figures tracking him tried to thrust upon him.

In a moment that solidified this version of Middle-earth as a place of choices over fate, his new friend Nori (Markella Kavenagh) coaxed him into standing firm in his instinct to be good,

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