Titan of mythology movies left behind a treasure trove of ideas

Lost and rare material from master animator Ray Harryhausen could now inspire a new film epic years after his deathHe was the acclaimed film-maker who pioneered animation effects for masterpieces such as Jason and the Argonauts and Clash of the Titans of 1963 and 1981 respectively.

Ray Harryhausen created extraordinary characters, including sword-wielding skeletons and a Medusa with writhing asps as hair, for 16 films – yet a new book about his “lost” screen projects reveals that he also worked on nearly 80 more films.Hundreds of sketches and models that reflect his visionary ideas are being published for the first time.

They include the great white whale for John Huston’s 1956 Moby Dick, though he never got to work on the production, and Big Ben’s tower snapping in two as a tidal wave engulfs London in a remake of The Deluge that he never got off the ground.

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