Top 19 Media Trends of 2019: Disney’s Box Office Dominance

The domestic box office market share over the last 12 years provides a sobering reminder of how important franchises are to studio performance, especially for Disney.Although the 2019 box office looks to be falling short of the previous year’s total, Disney is ending the decade on the highest possible note, becoming the first studio ever to surpass $10 billion globally.

This achievement isn’t surprising given Disney’s acquisition of Marvel Studios at the end of 2009 and Lucasfilm three years later.Back then, Disney was averaging 12.7% of the domestic market from 2008-2012.

Fast-forward to 2019, and Disney has amassed nearly $3.3 billion this year in the U.S.

and Canada.

Combined with $500 million from recent acquisition 20th Century Fox, Disney currently possesses 36.7% of the domestic market.This success is fueled by the final and biggest “Avengers” film, “Avengers: Endgame,” multiple live-action remakes, and two big animated sequels.

That doesn’t include the finale

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