Toronto Film Review: Chris Pine in ‘Outlaw King’

Someone at Netflix must love movies, because they keep on making them: massive, large-canvas sagas that beg to be witnessed on the big screen — like Alfonso Cuaron’s “Roma” (shot on 65mm) and Martin Scorsese’s upcoming “The Irishman” (whose budgeted has reportedly swollen past $140 million) — even if virtually everyone who does see them winds up doing so on the plasma TV, or laptop, or iWatch, or whatever.

Picking up where “Braveheart” left off, “Outlaw King” tells the story of Robert the Bruce, the Scottish leader who invoked the memory of fallen rebel William Wallace, à la “Remember the Alamo!” on his way to reclaiming Scotland’s independence.The project is David Lean-grand and deserves — nay, demands — to be viewed in theaters, so vast is the spectacle of this bloody, mud-covered bonanza, featuring crowds of grubby early-14th-century Scots rising up against their English occupiers.

Only there, beamed onto walls as tall as castles,

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