TV, Interrupted: Wonderfalls Deserved To Keep Licking The Light Switch

(Welcome to TV, Interrupted, a series where the /Film team remembers, eulogizes, and makes a case for the revival of TV shows we loved that were canceled far too soon.)Poor Bryan Fuller. A frequent guest on /Film’s TV, Interrupted column, the “Hannibal” and “Pushing Daisies” creator’s beautiful, weird TV shows are dripping with style, full of lovably messy characters, and queer as f***.

They’re also very tricky to market, with premises that refuse to fit neatly into square boxes and stories that meld whimsy with the macabre while still wearing their hearts on their sleeves.

It’s what makes them baffling to anyone who isn’t willing to engage with…The post TV, Interrupted: Wonderfalls Deserved to Keep Licking the Light Switch appeared first on /Film.

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