‘Watchmen’ Review: Episode 5 Goes Through the Looking Glass to Find Answers, Intrigue, and Despair

[Editor’s Note: The following review contains spoilers for “Watchmen” Episode 5, “Little Fear of Lightning.”]Remember what Agent Laurie Blake (Jean Smart) said last week, about people who wear masks and how they’re driven by pain? Well, she may have been talking to Sister Night (Regina King) at the time, but I believe after sitting down with “Mirror Guy” aka Looking Glass aka Wade Tillman (played by the excellent Tim Blake Nelson), he’d be her first case study toward proving that theory true.

In a dense hour devoted to the root of Wade’s pain, veteran “Leftovers” scribes Damon Lindelof and Carly Wray guide the audience through a troubling series of revelations, all centered around Wade, yet consequential for everyone in the “Watchmen” universe.Given that’s the design behind every “Leftovers” episode — using individual trauma to reflect universal concerns — it should come as no surprise that Episode 5 is deeply sad, difficult, and exceptional.

Even by “Watchmen’s” lofty standards,

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