What Went Wrong with the Handmaid’s Tale Movie?

From the literary and cinematic success of The Hunger Games to George Orwell’s 1984 becoming a best-seller following Donald Trump’s inauguration, the 2010s were a prime decade for dystopias.

It was a time of rampant climate emergency and the global rise of right-wing extremism, and our anxieties were reflected in the media we consumed.

The horrors of the 2010s haven’t exactly ended, but after so much despair and a two-year-long pandemic, the dystopia fever seems to be dying down.

However, there is still a remnant of this era that remains a hit and, with the recent US Supreme Court attacks on reproductive rights, is more topical than ever: Hulu’s adaptation of Margaret Atwood’s 1985 novel The Handmaid’s Tale.

Created by Bruce Miller and starring Elisabeth Moss, the series came out in 2017 to critical acclaim.

It is now going on its fifth season, expanding on the Christian fundamentalist dystopia in which fertile,

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