Why Hollywood’s new The Time Machine is doomed

Whether he sticks to author Hg Wells’ outdated ideas or modernises sacrificing the 1895 book’s bite, director Andy Muschietti’s next film is historyThe news that It director Andy Muschietti will adapt Hg Wells’ classic 1895 novel The Time Machine ought to be greeted with delight by any self-respecting fan of classic science fiction.

Muschietti is a celebrated up-and-coming film-maker whose vibrant and vivid adaptation of the sinister Stephen King horror novel proved to be a surprise joy last year, and Wells’ ominous critique of social Darwinism is among the most influential in English literature.

The only problem is that Wells acolytes hoping to see the futuristic theories of the late 19th century transformed into intelligent big screen sci-fi have ended up being regularly disappointed over the past few decades, and there is little to suggest it will be different this time around.The biggest issue with Wells’ best-known works

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