‘Year of the Shark’ Is More Than Just a Shark Movie, French Filmmakers the Boukherma Twins Say

Sea, quiet and sun.

A holidaymaker on his paddleboard.

In a few minutes, this idyllic picture is shattered: the man is knocked off his board into the water, and is then devoured by a shark.Almost 50 years since Steven Spielberg’s “Jaws” brought terror to the New England beach town of Amity Island, a shark has appeared on the other side of the ocean to cause panic among French vacationers heading for the Atlantic coast.“Year of the Shark,” which premiered this week at 21st Neuchatel Intl.

Fantastic Film Festival, ahead of its release in France on Aug.

3, is neither a remake of “Jaws,” nor a pastiche of the genre, explain the directors, French twins Ludovic and Zoran Boukherma, who are 30 years old.The Boukherma twins are well-aware that the arrival of the first shark film ever to be made in France, with a five-star cast, is creating a great

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