Ang Lee’s ‘Hulk’ Is the Only Film That Captures the Character’s Awful Reality

Ang Lee is arguably one of the greatest directors to make a superhero film.

Given his eclectic, widely varied filmography, from the timeless Brokeback Mountain and Sense & Sensibility to The Ice Storm and Life of Pi, you’d think that if he made a superhero film, it would be one of the greatest ever made, right? Sadly, that isn’t what happened, as his 2003 film Hulk was widely dismissed as a failed experiment, a self-serious drag trying too hard to be a Greek tragedy.

The cast of A-list talent, ranging from Eric Bana to Jennifer Connelly to Sam Elliott, all feel like they’ve had every ounce of tangible personality squeezed out of them for the sake of a “serious adult” experience.

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