This Is the Best English-Language Horror Remake

Remakes are a common phenomenon in the world of cinema, often drawing mixed reactions from audiences and critics alike.

With the benefit of possessing built-in fans, these movies have the potential to match or even surpass the original, but they can also fall prey to being mere cash grabs.

A remake, not to be confused with a reboot, involves recreating a film while preserving its key characters and story elements.

In contrast, reboots provide a fresh perspective by introducing new storylines that often diverge from the original canon (as seen in various Spider-Man reboots).

English language remakes, on the other hand, aim to introduce international films to new audiences overseas.

These remakes typically undergo tonal and stylistic adjustments to engage the target demographic while providing a slightly unique experience for existing fans.

Yet, among these English language revamps exists a rare and remarkable example of remake rule-breaking: 2007’s Funny Games.

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