Film Review: ‘America’s Musical Journey’

An infomercial is, by definition, a slightly creepy Orwellian thing.

It’s a commercial that plays a bait-and-switch game with you, pretending to offer “information” when it’s really skewing information to sell you something.

So what do you call an infomercial that pretends not to be an infomercial?In the case of “America’s Musical Journey,” you could call it a distinctly inferior 3D IMAX film, an oversize tease of a sonic-adventure documentary that leaves you hollow rather than bedazzled.

Narrated by Morgan Freeman, who comes off here less as The Voice of God than as The Voice of He Who Will Read Whatever Is Put in Front of Him, the movie presents itself as an enraptured tale of American musical roots — which, admittedly, is quite a thing to try to squeeze into 40 minutes of gargantuan-screen time.Over the years, though, there have been 45-minute IMAX films about a variety of subjects (dinosaurs, tornadoes, the ruins

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