Agatha: Coven Of Chaos: Everything We Know About Marvel’s WandaVision Spin-Off

We all know it was Agatha all along behind the scenes of the Marvel series “WandaVision.” That’s true, even though Wanda (Elizabeth Olsen) proved herself to be quite a formidable force in the little town she and Vision (Paul Bettany) settled in.

It was all her warping of reality through her grief that changed things, not that Agatha (Kathryn Hahn) helped matters.

A witch who has been in the magic game for centuries, she couldn’t stand that Wanda was so good at it.

At the end of the series, Wanda turns Agatha into what she pretended to be through each episode; a suburban nosey neighbor. As we know, though, Kathryn Hahn is far too awesome for that to be the end, and we’re getting a Disney+ spin-off series centered around her.

That show, which was originally called “House of Harkness,” is now “Agatha: Coven of Chaos,” and the casting news

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