Aliens: Bug Hunt Is The Alien ‘Dungeon Crawler’ Board Game You’ve Always Wanted

It’s good to have professional goals in life.

One of mine is to eventually review every licensed “Alien” board game ever released.

Honestly, it’s a more challenging proposition than you might think.

Depending on how wide you cast the net, you might include out-of-print games like the 1997 “Aliens Predator Customizable Card Game” or 2015’s “Alien vs Predator: The Hunt Begins.” Even the first “Alien” board game — a 1979 Kenner release inexplicably positioned for ages seven and up — is hard to find outside of a drunken eBay splurge.Thankfully, there’s the (somewhat defunct) Upper Deck Entertainment license for those of us on a budget.

I’ve previously sung the praises of “Legendary Encounters: An Alien Deck Building Game,” which builds on the popular Legendary system to create fun adaptations of each “Alien” movie.

But just as compelling is “Aliens: Bug Hunt,” a 2020 release from designer Ryan Miller that combines dungeon crawler and tower…

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