An Oscar Winner Was Hiding in ‘The Toxic Avenger’s Deleted Scenes

The Toxic Avenger is currently being rebooted, starring Game of Thrones’ Peter Dinklage in the lead role.

This comes after a decade of reboot rumors, including Arnold Schwarzenegger and John Travolta being attached to star at one point or another.

Having now finally happened, Dinklage told Collider that the film is a “violent, road picture kind of thing,” saying it was “just sort of crazy over the top.” It is set to premiere at Fantastic Fest on September 21, 2023, almost 40 years after the original was released.

The 1984 original was a B-Movie from the mind of Lloyd Kaufman and the creatives at Troma.

Unlike the reboot (and its many potential incarnations along the way) it didn’t star any famous actors, but there was one Oscar-winning actress whose first job was a minor role in The Toxic Avenger.

In fact, it was a recent collaborator of Dinklage — Marisa Tomei.

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