Angus Cloud Remembered by Director of His Upcoming Feature: ‘It’s Not Even My Film Anymore, It’s Really for Him’

If you can’t take it with you when you go, then where does it end up?Daniel Brown thought a lot about this before making his upcoming film “Your Lucky Day,” which tells the ironic story of a man who wins the lottery but dies shortly after finding out his numbers hit.

First created as short in 2010 starring Rider Strong, the story takes place one Christmas Eve at a corner store called Sip ‘n’ Go, where a white-haired boomer-aged wealthy man wearing a tie stops to scan his lotto tickets.

After making brief and somewhat bigoted small talk with the store’s owner Amir (Mousa Hussien Kraish), the machine plays a little jingle, “Winner!! Winner!!” appears on the tiny screen.

“What’s the total up to?” the man asks Amir.

“$156 million.”Sterling, a low-level drug dealer played by the late “Euphoria” star Angus Cloud, is standing in the corner…

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